diff options
authorBrian Woods2023-02-26 16:45:01 -0500
committerBrian Woods2023-02-27 12:47:00 -0500
commit265a47498ca7084d4e8b3fa888c5513861632eac (patch)
parentd7a11e0e8584e088921c9486c4f064eaf5e004f7 (diff)
helper_scripts: add input_generator
A simple GNU Octave executable script that generates intput files for filter testing.
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helper_scripts/input_generator b/helper_scripts/input_generator
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e58b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helper_scripts/input_generator
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/octave -qf
+% SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Brian Woods
+% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+% simple octave executable script to generate input files for filter testing
+signals = {"impulse", "sine", "cosine", "square"};
+signal = NaN;
+freq = NaN;
+width = NaN;
+signednesses = {"unsigned", "signed"};
+signedness = NaN;
+samples = NaN;
+function print_help(signals)
+ printf("%s <signal> <freq> <width> <signedess> <samples> <filename>\n", ...
+ program_name());
+ printf("where:\n");
+ printf("\tsignal: the signal type:");
+ for i = 1:length(signals)
+ switch(i)
+ case 1
+ printf(" %s", signals{i})
+ otherwise
+ printf(", %s", signals{i})
+ endswitch
+ endfor
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("\tfreq: freqency in sample length\n");
+ printf("\twidth: bit width of the output\n");
+ printf("\tsignedness: it is either: signed, unsigned\n");
+ printf("\tsamples: how many samples to generate\n");
+ printf("\tfilename: output filename\n");
+% input parsing
+arg_list = argv ();
+if (nargin != 6)
+ printf("Too few or too many arguements given.\n");
+ print_help(signals)
+ quit;
+for i = 1:length(signals)
+ if strcmp(arg_list{1},signals{i})
+ signal = i;
+ break
+ endif
+if isnan(signal)
+ printf("can't parse <signal>.\n");
+ print_help(signals)
+ exit;
+freq = abs(real(str2double(arg_list{2})));
+if isnan(freq)
+ printf("Can't parse <freq>.\n");
+ print_help(signals)
+ exit;
+width = abs(floor(real(str2double(arg_list{3}))));
+if isnan(width)
+ printf("Can't parse <width>.\n");
+ print_help(signals)
+ exit;
+for i = 1:length(signednesses)
+ if strcmp(arg_list{4},signednesses{i})
+ signedness = i;
+ break
+ endif
+if isnan(signedness)
+ printf("can't parse <signedness>.\n");
+ print_help(signals)
+ exit;
+samples = abs(floor(real(str2double(arg_list{5}))));
+if isnan(width)
+ printf("Can't parse <width>.\n");
+ print_help(signals)
+ exit;
+filename = arg_list{6};
+fid = fopen (filename, "w");
+% end input parsing
+% calc ranges
+if signedness == 1
+ range_max = 2**width - 1;
+ range_min = 0;
+ range_max = 2**(width-1) -1;
+ %makes things easier not to use the extra negative number
+ range_min = -range_max;
+% actual singal generation
+switch (signal)
+case 1 % impulse
+ for i = 0:samples-1
+ switch (i)
+ case 0
+ fprintf(fid, "%d\n", range_max);
+ otherwise
+ fprintf(fid, "%d\n", 0);
+ endswitch;
+ endfor
+case {2, 3} % sine and cosine
+ if (signedness == 1) % unsigned
+ sine_amp = range_max/2
+ sine_off = sine_amp
+ else % signed
+ sine_amp = range_max
+ sine_off = 0
+ endif
+ if (signal == 2)
+ sine_phase = 0;
+ else % cosine needs a phase offset
+ sine_phase = pi/2
+ endif
+ sine_freq = (2*pi)/freq
+ for i = 0:samples-1
+ fprintf(fid, "%d\n",
+ floor(sine_amp*sin(sine_freq*i+sine_phase)
+ + sine_off +.5));
+ endfor
+case 4 % square
+ freq_half = freq/2;
+ for i = 0:samples-1
+ period = rem(i, freq);
+ if (floor(period/freq_half) == 0) %first half
+ fprintf(fid, "%d\n", range_max);
+ else
+ fprintf(fid, "%d\n", range_min);
+ endif
+ endfor
+ printf("can't determine how to generate the signal, exiting\n");
+ exit;
+fclose (fid);