#!/bin/bash offset=$((2*1024*1024)) filesize=0 prog_req=(mkimage file fdtput) tmp_files=() function remove_tmp_files() { for i in "${tmp_files[@]}" do rm -f "$i" done } function cleanup_and_return_err() { rm -f $UBOOT_SOURCE $UBOOT_SCRIPT remove_tmp_files exit 1 } function dt_mknode() { local path=$1 local addr=$2 if test $UBOOT_SOURCE then echo "fdt mknod $path $addr" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE fi } # data_type is either # int # hex # str function dt_set() { local path=$1 local var=$2 local data_type=$3 local data=$4 if test $UBOOT_SOURCE then if test $data_type = "hex" || test $data_type = "int" then echo "fdt set $path $var <$data>" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE else echo "fdt set $path $var $data" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE fi fi if test $FDTEDIT then if test $data_type = "hex" then fdtput $FDTEDIT -p -t x $path $var $data elif test $data_type = "int" then fdtput $FDTEDIT -p -t i $path $var $data else fdtput $FDTEDIT -p -t s $path $var $data fi fi } function add_device_tree_kernel() { local path=$1 local addr=$2 local size=$3 dt_mknode "$path" "module$addr" dt_set "$path/module$addr" "compatible" "str" "\"multiboot,kernel\" \"multiboot,module\"" dt_set "$path/module$addr" "reg" "hex" "0x0 $addr 0x0 $(printf "0x%x" $size)" dt_set "$path/module$addr" "bootargs" "str" "\"console=ttyAMA0\"" } function add_device_tree_ramdisk() { local path=$1 local addr=$2 local size=$3 dt_mknode "$path" "module$addr" dt_set "$path/module$addr" "compatible" "str" "\"multiboot,ramdisk\" \"multiboot,module\"" dt_set "$path/module$addr" "reg" "hex" "0x0 $addr 0x0 $(printf "0x%x" $size)" } function add_device_tree_passthrough() { local path=$1 local addr=$2 local size=$3 dt_mknode "$path" "module$addr" dt_set "$path/module$addr" "compatible" "str" "\"multiboot,device-tree\" \"multiboot,module\"" dt_set "$path/module$addr" "reg" "hex" "0x0 $addr 0x0 $(printf "0x%x" $size)" } function device_tree_editing() { local device_tree_addr=$1 if test $UBOOT_SOURCE then echo "fdt addr $device_tree_addr" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE echo "fdt resize 1024" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE fi dt_set "/chosen" "\#address-cells" "hex" "0x2" dt_set "/chosen" "\#size-cells" "hex" "0x2" dt_set "/chosen" "xen,xen-bootargs" "str" "\"$XEN_CMD\"" dt_mknode "/chosen" "dom0" dt_set "/chosen/dom0" "compatible" "str" "\"xen,linux-zimage\" \"xen,multiboot-module\"" dt_set "/chosen/dom0" "reg" "hex" "0x0 $dom0_kernel_addr 0x0 $(printf "0x%x" $dom0_kernel_size)" dt_set "/chosen" "xen,dom0-bootargs" "str" "\"$DOM0_CMD\"" if test "$DOM0_RAMDISK" && test $dom0_ramdisk_addr != "-" then dt_mknode "/chosen" "dom0-ramdisk" dt_set "/chosen/dom0-ramdisk" "compatible" "str" "\"xen,linux-initrd\" \"xen,multiboot-module\"" dt_set "/chosen/dom0-ramdisk" "reg" "hex" "0x0 $dom0_ramdisk_addr 0x0 $(printf "0x%x" $dom0_ramdisk_size)" fi i=0 while test $i -lt $NUM_DOMUS do if test "${DOMU_ROOTFS[$i]}" || test "${DOMU_NOBOOT[$i]}" then i=$(( $i + 1 )) continue fi dt_mknode "/chosen" "domU$i" dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "compatible" "str" "\"xen,domain\"" dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "\#address-cells" "hex" "0x2" dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "\#size-cells" "hex" "0x2" dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "memory" "int" "0 ${DOMU_MEM[$i]}" dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "cpus" "int" "${DOMU_VCPUS[$i]}" dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "vpl011" "hex" "0x1" add_device_tree_kernel "/chosen/domU$i" ${domU_kernel_addr[$i]} ${domU_kernel_size[$i]} if test "${domU_ramdisk_addr[$i]}" then add_device_tree_ramdisk "/chosen/domU$i" ${domU_ramdisk_addr[$i]} ${domU_ramdisk_size[$i]} fi if test "${domU_passthrough_dtb_addr[$i]}" then add_device_tree_passthrough "/chosen/domU$i" ${domU_passthrough_dtb_addr[$i]} ${domU_passthrough_dtb_size[$i]} fi i=$(( $i + 1 )) done } function add_size() { local filename=$1 local size=`stat -L --printf="%s" $filename` memaddr=$(( $memaddr + $size + $offset - 1)) memaddr=$(( $memaddr & ~($offset - 1) )) memaddr=`printf "0x%X\n" $memaddr` filesize=$size } function load_file() { local filename=$1 local fit_scr_name=$2 local relative_path="$(realpath --relative-to=$PWD $filename)" if test "$LOAD_CMD" = "imxtract" then echo "$LOAD_CMD \$fit_addr $fit_scr_name $memaddr" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE else echo "$LOAD_CMD $memaddr $relative_path" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE fi add_size $filename } function check_file_type() { local filename=$1 local type="$2" if [ ! -f $filename ] then echo "File $filename doesn't exist, exiting"; cleanup_and_return_err fi # if file doesn't know what it is, it outputs data, so include that # since some executables aren't recongnized if [ "$type" = "executable" ] then type="executable\|data" # file in older distros (ex: RHEL 7.4) just output data for device # tree blobs elif [ "$type" = "Device Tree Blob" ] then type="Device Tree Blob\|data" fi file -L $filename | grep "$type" &> /dev/null if test $? != 0 then echo Wrong file type "$filename". It should be "$type", exiting. cleanup_and_return_err fi } function check_compressed_file_type() { local filename=$1 local type="$2" if [ ! -f $filename ] then echo "File $filename doesn't exist, exiting"; cleanup_and_return_err fi file -L $filename | grep "gzip compressed data" &> /dev/null if test $? == 0 then local tmp=`mktemp` tmp_files+=($tmp) cat $filename | gunzip > $tmp filename=$tmp fi check_file_type $filename "$type" } function check_depends() { for ((i=0; i<${#prog_req[@]}; i++)) do if ! command -v ${prog_req[i]} > /dev/null then echo "Please install the needed program: ${prog_req[i]}." exit 1 fi done } function print_help { script=`basename "$0"` echo "usage:" echo " $script -c CONFIG_FILE -t UBOOT_TYPE -d DIRECTORY [-o FILE]" echo " $script -h" echo "where:" echo " CONFIG_FILE - configuration file" echo " UBOOT_TYPE can be:" echo " sd - alias for \"mmc load 0:1\" for uboot load commands" echo " scsi - alias for \"scsi load 0:1\" for uboot load commands" echo " tftp - alias for \"tftpb\" for uboot load cammnds" echo " fit - creates a fit image with a boot script" echo " fit_std - used for creating a standard fit image, not compatable with dom0less (not recommended)" echo " < > - used for uboot load commands" echo " DIRECTORY - root directory where the files of CONFIG_FILE are located" echo " FILE - output filename for the uboot script and its source, overrides option in CONFIG_FILE" echo " -h - prints out the help message and exits " echo "Defaults:" echo " CONFIG_FILE=$cfg_file, UBOOT_TYPE=\"LOAD_CMD\" env var, DIRECTORY=$uboot_dir" echo "Example:" echo " $script -c ../config -d ./build42 -t \"scsi load 1:1\"" } while getopts ":c:t:d:ho:" opt; do case ${opt} in t ) case $OPTARG in scsi ) LOAD_CMD="load scsi 0:1" ;; sd ) LOAD_CMD="load mmc 0:1" ;; tftp ) LOAD_CMD="tftpb" ;; fit ) LOAD_CMD="imxtract" ;; fit_std ) LOAD_CMD="fit_std" ;; * ) LOAD_CMD="$OPTARG" ;; esac ;; c ) cfg_file=$OPTARG ;; d ) uboot_dir=$OPTARG ;; o ) UBOOT_SCRIPT_ARG=$OPTARG ;; h ) print_help exit 0 ;; * ) echo "Unknown option, see \"$0 -h\"" exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) if [ -z "$LOAD_CMD" ] || [ -z "$cfg_file" ] || [ -z "$uboot_dir" ] then echo "Undefined arguments, see \"$0 -h\"" exit 1 fi check_depends source "$cfg_file" # CLI ARG overrides what's in the config file if [ ! -z "$UBOOT_SCRIPT_ARG" ] then UBOOT_SCRIPT="$UBOOT_SCRIPT_ARG".scr UBOOT_SOURCE="$UBOOT_SCRIPT_ARG".source fi if [ -z "$XEN_CMD" ] then XEN_CMD="console=dtuart dtuart=serial0 dom0_mem=1G dom0_max_vcpus=1 bootscrub=0 vwfi=native sched=null" fi if [ -z "$DOM0_CMD" ] then DOM0_CMD="console=hvc0 earlycon=xen earlyprintk=xen clk_ignore_unused" fi if [[ ! $DOM0_CMD =~ root= ]] then if test -z "$DOM0_ROOTFS" then DOM0_CMD="$DOM0_CMD root=/dev/ram0" else DEV=${LOAD_CMD%:*} DEV=${DEV##* } PAR=${LOAD_CMD#*:} if [ -z "$DEV" ] || [ -z "$PAR" ] then echo "Could not parse device and partition." echo "Please make sure the load command is correct or manually set DOM0_CMD in the config file." exit 1 fi PAR=$((PAR + 1)) if [[ $LOAD_CMD =~ mmc ]] then DOM0_CMD="$DOM0_CMD root=/dev/mmcblk${DEV}p${PAR}" elif [[ $LOAD_CMD =~ scsi ]] then # converts number to a scsi device character DEV=$((DEV + 97)) DEV=$(printf %x $DEV) DEV=$(printf "\x$DEV") DOM0_CMD="$DOM0_CMD root=/dev/sd${DEV}${PAR}" else echo "Only mmc and scsi are supported for automatically setting the root partition." echo "Manually set DOM0_CMD with the root device in the config file to bypass this." exit 1 fi fi fi i=0 while test $i -lt $NUM_DOMUS do if test -z "${DOMU_MEM[$i]}" then DOMU_MEM[$i]=512 fi DOMU_MEM[$i]=$((${DOMU_MEM[$i]} * 1024)) if test -z "${DOMU_VCPUS[$i]}" then DOMU_VCPUS[$i]=1 fi i=$(( $i + 1 )) done # the cd is needed so that the relative paths will match once we use # tftp or move the files to a partition cd "$uboot_dir" if test "$LOAD_CMD" = "fit_std" || test "$LOAD_CMD" = "imxtract" then if ! test $FDTEDIT && test "$LOAD_CMD" = "fit_std" then FDTEDIT=${DEVICE_TREE%.dtb} FDTEDIT+=-fit.dtb fi fit=${UBOOT_SOURCE%.source} its_file=$fit.its fit+=.fit rm -f "$its_file" fi if test $FDTEDIT then rm -f $FDTEDIT cp $DEVICE_TREE $FDTEDIT fi rm -f $UBOOT_SOURCE $UBOOT_SCRIPT if test "$LOAD_CMD" = "imxtract" then echo 'fit_addr=$fileaddr' >> $UBOOT_SOURCE fi memaddr=$(( $MEMORY_START + $offset )) # 12582912 is 0xc00000, 12MB if test $memaddr -lt 12582912 then memaddr="12582912" fi memaddr=`printf "0x%X\n" $memaddr` uboot_addr=$memaddr # 2MB are enough for a uboot script memaddr=$(( $memaddr + $offset )) memaddr=`printf "0x%X\n" $memaddr` check_compressed_file_type $XEN "executable" xen_addr=$memaddr load_file "$XEN" "host_xen" check_compressed_file_type $DOM0_KERNEL "executable" dom0_kernel_addr=$memaddr load_file $DOM0_KERNEL "dom0_linux" dom0_kernel_size=$filesize if test "$DOM0_RAMDISK" then check_compressed_file_type $DOM0_RAMDISK "cpio archive" dom0_ramdisk_addr=$memaddr load_file "$DOM0_RAMDISK" "dom0_ramdisk" dom0_ramdisk_size=$filesize else dom0_ramdisk_addr="-" fi i=0 while test $i -lt $NUM_DOMUS do if test "${DOMU_ROOTFS[$i]}" || test "${DOMU_NOBOOT[$i]}" then if test -z "${DOMU_NOBOOT[$i]}" then echo "Skipping DomU[$i]: cannot handle non-ramdisk rootfs for dom0less VMs." fi i=$(( $i + 1 )) continue fi check_compressed_file_type ${DOMU_KERNEL[$i]} "executable" domU_kernel_addr[$i]=$memaddr load_file ${DOMU_KERNEL[$i]} "domU${i}_kernel" domU_kernel_size[$i]=$filesize if test "${DOMU_RAMDISK[$i]}" then check_compressed_file_type ${DOMU_RAMDISK[$i]} "cpio archive" domU_ramdisk_addr[$i]=$memaddr load_file ${DOMU_RAMDISK[$i]} "domU${i}_ramdisk" domU_ramdisk_size[$i]=$filesize fi if test "${DOMU_PASSTHROUGH_DTB[$i]}" then check_compressed_file_type ${DOMU_PASSTHROUGH_DTB[$i]} "Device Tree Blob" domU_passthrough_dtb_addr[$i]=$memaddr load_file ${DOMU_PASSTHROUGH_DTB[$i]} "domU${i}_fdt" domU_passthrough_dtb_size[$i]=$filesize fi i=$(( $i + 1 )) done check_file_type $DEVICE_TREE "Device Tree Blob" device_tree_addr=$memaddr load_file $DEVICE_TREE "host_fdt" device_tree_editing $device_tree_addr # disable device tree reloation echo "setenv fdt_high 0xffffffffffffffff" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE echo "booti $xen_addr - $device_tree_addr" >> $UBOOT_SOURCE if test "$fit" then # create start along with necessary binaries load_files="\"dom0_linux\"" if test "$LOAD_CMD" = "imxtract" then its_dt="$DEVICE_TREE" else its_dt="$FDTEDIT" fi cat >> "$its_file" <<- EOF /dts-v1/; / { description = "Configuration to load Xen"; #address-cells = <1>; images { host_xen { description = "host xen binary"; data = /incbin/("$XEN"); type = "kernel"; arch = "arm64"; os = "linux"; compression = "none"; load = <$xen_addr>; entry = <$xen_addr>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; host_fdt { description = "host fdt"; data = /incbin/("$its_dt"); type = "flat_dt"; arch = "arm64"; compression = "none"; load = <$device_tree_addr>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; dom0_linux { description = "dom0 linux kernel binary"; data = /incbin/("$DOM0_KERNEL"); type = "kernel"; arch = "arm64"; os = "linux"; compression = "none"; load = <$dom0_kernel_addr>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; EOF if test "$DOM0_RAMDISK" then load_files+=", \"dom0_ramdisk\"" cat >> "$its_file" <<- EOF dom0_ramdisk { description = "dom0 ramdisk"; data = /incbin/("$DOM0_RAMDISK"); type = "ramdisk"; arch = "arm64"; os = "linux"; compression = "none"; load = <$dom0_ramdisk_addr>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; EOF fi # domUs i=0 while test $i -lt $NUM_DOMUS do if test "${DOMU_ROOTFS[$i]}" || test "${DOMU_NOBOOT[$i]}" then i=$(( $i + 1 )) continue fi load_files+=", \"domU${i}_kernel\"" cat >> "$its_file" <<- EOF domU${i}_kernel { description = "domU${i} kernel binary"; data = /incbin/("${DOMU_KERNEL[$i]}"); type = "kernel"; arch = "arm64"; os = "linux"; compression = "none"; load = <${domU_kernel_addr[$i]}>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; EOF if test "${DOMU_RAMDISK[$i]}" then load_files+=", \"domU${i}_ramdisk\"" cat >> "$its_file" <<- EOF domU${i}_ramdisk { description = "domU${i} ramdisk"; data = /incbin/("${DOMU_RAMDISK[$i]}"); type = "ramdisk"; arch = "arm64"; os = "linux"; compression = "none"; load = <${domU_ramdisk_addr[$i]}>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; EOF fi if test "${DOMU_PASSTHROUGH_DTB[$i]}" then load_files+=", \"domU${i}_fdt\"" cat >> "$its_file" <<- EOF domU${i}_fdt { description = "domU${i} fdt"; data = /incbin/("${DOMU_PASSTHROUGH_DTB[$i]}"); type = "flat_dt"; arch = "arm64"; compression = "none"; load = <${domU_passthrough_dtb_addr[$i]}>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; EOF fi i=$(( $i + 1 )) done # script for fit if test "$LOAD_CMD" = "imxtract" then cat >> "$its_file" <<- EOF boot_scr { description = "imagebuilder's boot script"; data = /incbin/("$UBOOT_SOURCE"); type = "script"; compression = "none"; load = <$uboot_addr>; entry = <$uboot_addr>; hash { algo = "md5"; }; }; EOF fi # end images echo ' };' >> "$its_file" # config if ! test "$LOAD_CMD" = "imxtract" then cat >> "$its_file" <<- EOF configurations { default = "config"; config { description = "Xen"; kernel = "host_xen"; fdt = "host_fdt"; loadables = $load_files; }; }; EOF fi # end echo '};' >> "$its_file" mkimage -q -f "$its_file" "$fit" else mkimage -A arm64 -T script -C none -a $uboot_addr -e $uboot_addr -d $UBOOT_SOURCE "$UBOOT_SCRIPT" &> /dev/null fi remove_tmp_files fit_addr="$(printf "0x%x" $memaddr)" if test "$fit" then memaddr=$(( $MEMORY_END - 2 * ( $memaddr + $offset ) )) else memaddr=$(( $MEMORY_END - $memaddr - $offset )) fi if test $memaddr -lt 0 then echo Error, not enough memory to load all binaries cleanup_and_return_err fi if test "$fit" then echo "Generated uboot FIT image $fit, to be loaded at or after address $fit_addr:" if test "$LOAD_CMD" = "imxtract" then echo "tftpb/load mmc 0:1/etc $fit_addr $fit; source $fit_addr:boot_scr" else echo "tftpb/load mmc 0:1/etc $fit_addr $fit; bootm $fit_addr#config" fi else echo "Generated uboot script $UBOOT_SCRIPT, to be loaded at address $uboot_addr:" echo "$LOAD_CMD $uboot_addr $UBOOT_SCRIPT; source $uboot_addr" fi